Grumble, grouse, whine

Having gotten all that card installation done, I was enthused. I went down to Verizon again and signed on the dotted line for DSL service (it’s a good deal now, too…$29.95/month for life). Then came the bad news: the DSL modem has to be shipped to me, and service won’t start till July 6. It’s irrational to be annoyed about a delay in getting something I could have had months ago, but irrational I am. Pfui.
Oh, is anyone reading this in Mozilla? I got an e-mail from Scott as follows:

It seems there’s a CSS problem with your blog. The right sidebar div overlaps the content div if the browser window isn’t sized properly. I’m attaching a screenshot from Safari (Apple’s browser). It does the same thing in Mozilla Firefox and Omniweb.

Here’s the screenshot:

Anyone else see the overlap?


  1. No overlap in FF0.8 at 1024×768. But it does overlap when I open the Bookmarks sidebar, I think that reduces it to about the size of 800×600.

  2. I have to collapse the window down to below 800 px before it starts overlap in moz, firefox, etc.
    Also, you’ve set the link to Scott to your own blog. Playing with yourself in public is no way to go through life, young man. 🙂

  3. Yep, Firefox on the Win2k box in 800*600 overlaps, but not so on the Linux box at 1200+. …but IE6 also overlaps on the Win2k box.
    The issue probably is coming from the CSS settings for the two sidebars: they total to 330 px. With the padding and all (50 pixels for the middle sections), the browsers aren’t able to handle the 800 wide res without some help.
    If it were me, I’d try adding the line: “width:55%;” (without the quotes) to the ‘blog’ section of your CSS and see what happens…

  4. heya, Steve. I’m not the geeky wordsmith that these others are – so don’t know all of the lingo and stuff. However, it happens to me when I first open your page, but as soon as it is all loaded, it looks just fine. ;-)) Not sure that helps at all.
    hope you are having a sunny day.

  5. I always thought it was just my settings! It’s overlapped in IE 6 (Win 2000 & XP) for ages although I believe in Camino (Mac) it’s fine.

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