Lights! Camera! Crime!

If you’re tired of the Michael Jackson “drama” on your TV screens, but your appetite is whetted for other celebrity crimes in LA, try this. You can learn about Fatty Arbuckle, Aimee Semple McPherson, Caryl Chessman, and the Black Dahlia; sadly missing is any account of the Zoot Suit Riots, though they were certainly scandalous.

Public Service Announcement

Somebody is impersonating this guy and leaving comments about “liberals” as follows: Go on a diet fatboy. You f***ing liberals are all the same. Always blaming America for the world’s problems. Your self loathing disgusts me. Why don’t you move to Canada you f***ing pacifist. He calls himself “Raging Dave.” The link above goes to …

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Tin Pan Alley Goes West

JeanNine’s post title inspired this musical choice. George and Ira Gershwin in Hollywood. There are a lot of great songs included in this two-disc set, including Fascinatin’ Rhythm, S’Wonderful, Shall We Dance, and Let’s Call the Whole Thing Off. The liner notes contain some inside-Hollywod gossip of the time, including a highly-opinionated indictment of the …

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