Lights! Camera! Crime!

If you’re tired of the Michael Jackson “drama” on your TV screens, but your appetite is whetted for other celebrity crimes in LA, try this. You can learn about Fatty Arbuckle, Aimee Semple McPherson, Caryl Chessman, and the Black Dahlia; sadly missing is any account of the Zoot Suit Riots, though they were certainly scandalous.


  1. I read a book a few years ago called Hollywood Babylon.
    It was about the early Hollywood scandals and the coverups.
    The Black Dahlia was an interesting story, and Arbuckle’s tale ruined him in Tinsel Town…

  2. Of course there wouldn’t be anything about the Zoot Suit Riots — there wasn’t anyone of consequence affected by it, right? — just a bunch of LA “greasers.” Why would it be important? OK — I’ll now take off my “Saviour of the Latina population” hat and resume normal broadcasting. This was one of those things I learned about in my Mex-American studies classes in college, mostly through accounts in local Spanish newspapers of the time. Aaargh. If you haven’t seen it, the movie (really just a filming of the stage play) by Luis Valdez is excellent. One of my favorites. The depiction of this event in “American Me” is chilling, too.

  3. The scope of that website didn’t include that, of course, which is why I went looking for something about those riots elsewhere. PBS’ American Experience did a good job with it, as I recall.
    The really distressing thing is that California was already the site where thousands of Japanese-Americans were interned; racism everywhere.

  4. But first, the GrumbleBat

    Yes, the Bat is tired lately. Dunno why. Think it’s fun with meds – or it could be the colder weather making my joints more achy. Yes yes, I know 64 degrees isn’t really cold. But my joints don’t know that anymore! They’ve been living in the south (er,…

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