Dangerous days

Keep your hand on your wallet, your parents and your children. Headlines from the NYT Politics section today include:
Bush Seeks Big Changes in Head Start. He wants to set up a pilot program turning responsibility for Head Start over to states; it’s warmed-over block grants with academic accountability (for three-year-olds).
White House Seeks Revised Pension Rules. Basically it wants to change the interest rate companies have to use when calculating their pension liabilities; that would improve the corporate balance sheet.
Plans Improve Federal Workers’ Drug Benefits. I especially like the sub-head on that one: “The House is expected to pass legislation ensuring that federal employees will have benefits better than those available through Medicare when they retire.” Seems to me that Mr. Bush has been trying to sell his proposal by saying all Medicare recipients should receive care equal to that of federal employees; it’s nice to know the House Republicans want to be sure that won’t happen.
The G.O.P. Still Pushes Forward on Malpractice Cap Bill. That sub-head ain’t bad either: “Republicans concede that the malpractice legislation, which would cap jury awards for pain and suffering at $250,000, is headed for defeat.” But hey! It makes us look good to our corporate contributors!


  1. You know, if Bush gets four more years, we’re going to look more and more like a 3rd world country by the year 2008. He seems to have a serious disconnect between what goes on in his head and what goes on in the real world.

  2. In my kinder moments I think he’s just been sold a bill of goods; Poppy and Bar couldn’t have raised up a boy so stupid and mean-spirited. Then my powers of observation take over.

  3. Bar, despite her sweet grandma looks, is as mean-spirited as her boy is. Poppy? I lost my bearings on him when he wailed ‘Don’t Cry for me Argentina’. I still can’t figure out what in the world he was talking about. Disconnect runs in the family. So does meanness.

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