Memorial Day 2003

The flag is out, Punchbowl has been visited and decorated with flowers, and the family is on its way over. Every grave at Punchbowl is traditionally marked with small American flags; each has a lei placed around the flag as well. That job has devolved to Cub and Boy Scouts over the years (no, I don’t know whether the Girl Scouts are involved).
Today’s food adventure will be grilled tri-tip, fresh fruit salad, and fresh Kahuku corn (item 2). Didn’t know we grew corn out here, didya?
Hopefully no fire trucks will intrude.


  1. Oooohhhh!! I miss that corn!
    I miss the guy who sold akule, too. On certain days, if I got off work early enough, I could hit both the corn stand AND the truck with the fresh akule on the way home. Ono!

  2. You guys grow corn?
    See it took the Bunny clueing me in years ago that Hawaii is more than a long strip of beach. I didn’t even know you had mountains there. Hey, I grew up in Kansas and had very warped ideas of geography…

  3. The only reason I am aware of the mountains is because of Kona coffee! Now if the corn is as good as the coffee, I will need to try and FIND SOME to try! ;o)

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