TV, flawed reasoning, and money

Because of the time zones, we in Hawai’i often have national sporting events tape-delayed until evening; the theory is that our local television stations are performing a public service by putting the games on at a time when more viewers can watch them (the fact that they can sell advertising for higher rates during prime-time is, of course, inconsequential). This has had its benefits, of course, but it’s also meant that the potential viewer has had to avoid sports and news broadcasts on the day of the event. Over the past couple of years this practice has abated somewhat, although Monday Night Football still airs at 6:30pm locally, even though it actually begins at 3:00pm and is nearly over by the time it airs. Why am I bothering with this? Today our local CBS affiliate is giving us the best of both worlds; the Kansas-Syracuse game is live at 3:00pm today and replayed at 8:00pm tonight. Since Kansas defeated Arizona, I suppose I shouldn’t root for them; guess I’ll be for Syracuse.
This is bound to offend any warblogger who reads it, but it’s pretty funny. (via Daily Kos).
Any entrepreneurs or wannabes out there? I found a new blog written by three venture capital investors from Sand Hill Road (that’s the main money street in Silicon Valley).