The not-so-itsy-bitsy

One of these guys was crawling across the floor in my bedroom last night; I chased him for a while, then gave up. He reappeared this morning in the office, and I managed to get him with the flyswatter. It’s a cane spider, and harmless to humans, but too damned big to let wander around.


  1. Eeep. I’d forgotten how big those were. Quite possibly they are the only spiders (okay, besides tarantula…*shudder*) that I don’t like. Ugh.

  2. Hoops, I gotta confess I found that on the web; I’m digital camera-less.
    Yeah, Jen, he was a good 3-4 inches across, leg-tip to leg-tip. Got within a foot of the dog’s nose, but did she care? Ha.

  3. So this creature was nearly as wide across as an index card? I like spiders and all, but I’d prefer not to have mine big enough to saddle…. shudder….

  4. Geisha asobi had a link to pictures of this enormous spider — it was bigger than a wall clock.
    I hate spiders with a passion, and it just gave me the willies something fierce!

  5. ah, so that’s what they’re called. I never knew, but I’ve sure killed a lot of them, which is pretty nervewracking because in my experience, they don’t run away, they turn and face you. ick. luckily, they are very sucseptible (how is that spelled?) to bug spray.

  6. I live in Hawaii and I was in the bathroom one morning and a cane spider came crawling down the wall. The thing was as big as my hand! I yelled for my cousin to bring the Raid and I sprayed it for a good five minutes until it finally shriveled up! Five minutes! It only takes a roach one minute!
    Even shriveled up, the thing was bigger than any other spider I’ve ever seen. The legs were a good 3-3 1/2 inches long I’d say…scary scary stuff. Then my friend Ben was telling me that they’re not poisonous and they like to eat the roaches. I asked him if that was supposed to make me feel better. I normally don’t mind spiders but I’d rather have roaches around than that thing!

  7. The ones you guyes are seen are small. When i was in Hawaii at my friends house, he went to go get drinks, and when he went into the kitchen he screamed. I asked him what was wrong and he told me to come in the kitchen. When i went in it was sitting on the counter, and it was really huge! It was about 7 1/2 inches wide with the legs flat!
    When i grabbed the broom and was going to kill it, it went onto its hing legs like it was jump at me! So i opened the window and pushed it towards it from 5 feet away with the broom.

  8. Guys, that’s NOT a cane spider. Cane Spiders are light brown, and look like (large) sticks hooked together. Their bodies can be several inches in diameter…forget their legs.
    I lived on O’ahu for 20 years…and got several up close and personals with the buggers, so I know.
    Hawaii does have several other very large species of spiders…but they’re not nearly as memorable.

  9. I am terrified of spiders, and when I went outside this morning to plant some seeds, this crazy brown hairy spider with a HUGE egg sac beneath it jumped out. It freaked me out so bad, and I live in Hawaii, so I was wondering is it a cane spider? I’m pregnant and it bothers me to think there could be some type of poisonous creature in my house. What do you think?

  10. wow why must a cane spider live in my van scared the -hit out of me i hate spiders crawled up in dash how do i get rid of this light brown and huge

  11. One crawled over my husband’s shoulder in Kailua 10 years ago and nearly landed on my face and I am STILL not over it. People laugh and say, oh they aren’t poisonous, who CARES? You want something the size of a dinner plate on you? They have big eyes and yes, they will jump and try to get you if they see you are on the attack. My husband had to HAMMER this one to death, jumping on it only made a leg fall off. *SHUDDER….

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