Holy Cow!

“It’s simple. They want water. I have it, as long as they agree to get baptized,” he said.
Hey, soldier, git yer bath here! Nice cold bath! Small fee!
I don’t want to believe this. I absolutely do not want to think that some supposed “Man of God” would barter a clean bath to combat soldiers and support troops in exchange for baptism. WTF is his commanding officer thinking? There was a Marine colonel relieved of his command yesterday; this chaplain should immediately be cashiered, or whatever the current term is.
Link via Scott, who got it from Atrios.


  1. No way!!! This is way warped. There should be a toasty place specially reserved for this guy when he descends to the sulphurous pits….

  2. I saw a suggestion over here to have the guy go into the front lines, along with a hope he was wounded and the docs withheld treatment until the doctor’s deity (Irony…nice choice) was succumbed to.

  3. oh man…
    Its getting to the point where nothing suprises me..and this is a “man” who you are supposed to goto and confess your sins…yeah, right..

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