Eyes that see not

Today’s wrinkle on the Nigerian scam:

First permit me to introduce myself as Minister Of Development (Joumani Larabas) of the Western Sahara State known as the Republic of Saharawi.

The what? Does this guy think I’m so dumb as not to know there’s no such place? There is such a place? Oh. Not only is there such a place, it’s got a pretty miserable history, as the links found in that story will tell you. That article is the most recent the BBC has, and it’s dated August 29, 2002. A quick search on the web gives me hits for various religious ministries attempting to help the situation, but not much else. Amazing how little I know, sometimes.

One Comment

  1. Dear Sir
    I need the e-mail address, fax and phone from Minister Developent Mr,Joumani Larabas
    Thank you
    mob.phone 62-8122044170
    Fax 62-22-7217916/7207366

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