Syria next on the hit list?

Oh, charming. Now Syria is accused of supplying material to Iraq, and Rumsfeld is not pleased. Can’t say I blame him, if it’s true, but it may feed the appetite of the neo-con cabal. Speaking of the cabal, here are further details about Perle’s resignation, and another explanation of their rise and plan.
In domestic policy news, the Senate has had to revise faith-based legislation in order to improve its chances for passage; proselytizing religious organizations are excluded from federal grants. And Priscilla Owens was approved for the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals on a strict party-line vote. The Dems think she’s rabidly anti-choice and pro-business; the GOP thinks otherwise.
Finally, R.I.P. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, from EJ Dionne and George Will. (Of course, Will being Will, even in a eulogy he takes lots of shots at liberals and Democrats, but never mind).