
I just realized I’ve been doing this for a year and a week…started Oct. 15, 2001 at LiveJournal (thanks to Batty for the key over there), moved to Geocities, then to Lee’s first site as a subdomain, and now to this one. Has it really been a year? Huh.
Hey! Common sense has emerged in the Internet radio royalties argument! The outfit that collects the royalties says “pay us $500 in good faith,” and let’s let Congress fix the problem when they get back. Now, expecting Congress to “fix” the problem may be a tad over-optimistic, but nonetheless…
You know how sports teams sometimes take a remark made by an opponent and tack it up on the locker room bulletin board? Well, some idiot at The Heritage Foundation just made one which should go into every Democratic Party HQ across this country. “‘It’s the domestic equivalent of planning for postwar Iraq,’ Franc said.” It came while discussing the possibility of the Republicans taking over both houses of Congress in November’s elections. Not exactly in rebuttal, but a counter-argument just the same, comes this satire from Ted Rall, a cartoonist/columnist. It’s a purported speech to the UN from the Iranian delegate, calling for regime change in the US. It calls Bush’s 2000 assumption of power a “coup d’?tat”, and names Al Gore as “President-in-Exile.” Funny stuff.


  1. And a very merry blogday and many happy returns!
    …Actually I’ve always wondered about that returns bit. What’s supposed to return? The gifts? The guests? The cake?
    Return of the Birthday Cake from Hell!
    In which a reanimated and partially digested birthday cake wreaks havoc on –
    oh sorry, got carried away there…

  2. omg. did you see what i posted on surreally main site today? eerily similar but a little different (the regime change thingy)

  3. and your link to the Republican plans — made me want to cry. oh man. more tax cuts for the rich as the economy goes down the toilet? those bastards. wtf?

  4. I saw that at surreally, kd, and I was tempted to look at the one I put up to see if it was a dupe, but you say no, huh?
    And yeah, that planning by the Republicans scares the hell out of me. This election is crucial, and terrifyingly close. I really don’t want Clarence Thomas, Rehnquist and Scalia duplicates on the Supreme Court, and I think that’s possible with a Republican majority in the Senate.

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