Quiz answers

Just to get the frivolity out of the way before tomorrow:
Some of those are from personal knowledge; some are from citizen lunchbox.
1. Bobby–Greyfriar’s Bobby. Faithful Skye Terrier guarded his master’s grave in Edinburgh for 14 years.
2. Jip–Mongrel in Hugh Lofting’s Dr. Dolittle books. Also Dora’s dog in David Copperfield.
3. Laika–First dog in space, Sputnik 2, Nov. 3, 1957
4. Fala–FDR’s Scottie
5. Tyke–Buster Brown’s dog
6. Asta–Schnauzer in “The Thin Man”, William Powell and Myrna Loy as Nick and Nora Charles.
7. Laddie Boy–Warren G. Harding’s dog (presumably not implicated in Teapot Dome); a copper statue of the dog is enshrined in the Smithsonian
8. Bingo–Cracker Jacks dog; title character of children’s song; 1991 movie title character
9. Bob–Nuthanger Farm dog in Richard Adams’ Watership Down
10. Sandy–Little Orphan Annie’s dog


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