Idle thoughts

I just looked at my referral logs, which I rarely do. There are five or six google searches for the Billy Collins poem, one for hedgehog omelet (I posted a recipe), and some other rather odd ones (tongue piercing horror? women wearing dental braces? “Ralph Nader” Iraq September 2002?). All hail Google, I suppose.
Next time you hear Richard Armitage (Deputy Sec’y of State) interviewed, take note of the form of address he uses to his interviewer. He’s very formal. He was on the Today show this morning talking to Matt Lauer, and when they ended, he said, “Thank you, Mr. Lauer.” He addressed Margaret Warner of The News Hour as Ms. Warner under similar circumstances the other night. It’s so unusual it’s almost jarring. In this era in which it seems like everyone wants to be on a first name basis with everyone else, I find it refreshing.
If you want a few tears this morning, go over here and look at the signs posted in British storefronts on September 11.