Dollars, stats, dying & DOD

If you haven’t run into the wacky world of Medicare reimbursements, you probably will at some point. “Under Medicare, a hospital normally receives a fixed amount of money, set in advance, for each outpatient service.” In unrelated but interesting medical news, got a spare $712K? For that small fee, you can have your genetic code on a CD.
If you’re the Dep’t. of Justice and you don’t like crime statistics, sit on ’em. That’s a worry for the career employees at the agencies which compile the data (it’s also instructive that one of the political appointees doing the alleged sitting is Mitch Daniels’ sister. Mr. Daniels, of course, is Bush’s Director of OMB). Oh, and if you’re Ashcroft, allow your own religious beliefs to interfere with state law and a court decision which has gone against you once already. And isn’t there a war on terrorism going on?
Here’s a profile of Paul Wolfowitz; it doesn’t persuade me that I should agree with him, but it fleshes out the man behind the views.


  1. the fact that Ashcroft opposes the assisted suicide law in Oregon is yet another utterly reprehensible thing about the man. as if we needed another.
    when i was up in Oregon a year and a half ago, i had some time in medical waiting rooms reading the local news. the law had been in effect for some time, and there was an article about what a great and merciful thing it was.
    i hate Ashcroft. i really do. hate’s not a productive emotion, but this man embodies all that is wrong with zealots in power. he’s a warmonger with no problem causing the deaths of so-called enemies, or even the friendly fire and civilian collateral damage that goes with war. but he opposes letting terminally ill people avoid unnecessary suffering and pain, and die with dignity.
    that is so wrong, i can’t even begin …

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