Dem bones, dem bones

Friedman has some 9/11 thoughts (as who doesn’t), but he puts them in the form of a lesson plan. Maureen Dowd has an idea some (including me) have had for some time: “It seems that Mr. Cheney now regards the end of the gulf war as a great historic gaffe and wants to earn his immortality correcting it.”
Hey, college students and parents of same: how about an empty washing machine notification system? Not to say that college students are Neanderthal or untidy (hey, I was one once), and there’s no connection between the previous item and this one, but a 40,000-year-old baby skeleton has just been rediscovered in a museum 90 years after it was “lost.” Want more technology? Meet Annie and Bertha. They are the two machines boring an extension of the Channel Tunnel into London. Since the machines are to meet from opposite ends, it’s somewhat reminiscent of the Central and Union Pacific railroads meeting at Promontory Point in Utah.

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