Congressional follies

When a professional comedian gets angry, it’s worth reading. In the same vein, “The Do-Nothing 106th Congress has passed its baton. All hail the Question-Nothing 107th Congress.”
The Worker’s Paradise is in danger of going the route of godless capitalism and automobile worship (godless and worship in the same prepositional phrase? Hmm.), ignoring the U.S. example. Since the People’s Republic also relies heavily on coal for energy needs, I shudder to think of the health and environmental consequences.
Speaking as a former (not old, dammit) programmer, musically debugging programs seems intriguing.


  1. Thanks for the “professional comedian’s” site.
    Two questions:
    1. Have you read “Stupid White Men”?
    I’m on the waiting list at the library for it..
    2. Did you break Rumsfield’s arm? just askin’ 😉

  2. 1) I haven’t yet read it, but I want to.
    2) Nope. I’d be more inclined to break Ashcroft’s arm than Rumsfeld’s. Now if you offered me Cheney as an alternative, then I’d have a tough choice.

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