A healthy life

Today’s personal hygiene tip is: crabshell-based toothpaste! Then there’s a claim by London researchers that coffee reduces pain, if you’re of the feminine persuasion. Yes, yes; you’ll thank me later. On a more serious note, here are a few anecdotal arguments for prescription drug coverage: their names are Lauterbach, Sanchez, Leyva, and Turner.
Subscription services for online music are starting to encroach on the peer-to-peer ones, it appears. Are there any comments from users out there?
If you want to know how entrepreneurial you are, try this quiz from Fortune. No nifty buttons, though.


  1. Seeing the teeth on Prince Charles, Hugh Grant, or any number of British people makes me think that taking dental advice from the British Dental Association may be a big mistake. ;p

  2. Ah, but Kim, it’s an effort to improve those teeth that causes the BDA to recommend this stuff!
    And I gotta believe that crabshell would certainly be abrasive! 😉

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