Caution: Politics Ahead

I’m sure the Canadian letter has been read by many; here’s a riposte I wish I’d written.
Why stop at banning books? Just de-fund the libraries altogether. Jarvis-Gann anti-tax revolutionaries run amok, this time in Washington state. The county system cited “makes do in metal-roofed sheds, converted cabins and abandoned buildings.” The selfishness of library opponents amazes me; apparently the per capita tax cost for running the system is about $38/month; got cable?
I usually vote Democratic (note full adjectival form: I think it was Bob Dole who started using the noun as an adjective–see “Democrat wars”), but I swear the national party is behaving like France in 1940. Quoting Bill Shirer, “France did not fight.” Witness the deliberate attempts to reduce the number of veterans applying for health care cited here. This would be a great issue to talk about amidst all the patriotic flag-waving, but where are the Dems? I’m certainly no political strategist, but. . .