Automation, e-mail, & tigers

Today the Nigerian scam got a little original. First sentences: “Pardon me for contacting you through this medium and in this manner without any prior introduction. This is due to circumstances beyond my control. I had to bribe the prison attendants to secretly allow me open an email address from the computer in their office.” Why the attendants have a computer in their office is left unexplained.
Wasn’t there a song about Horn and Hardart’s Automat? Well, a successor has made an appearance in Washington, which I would hardly call a hotbed of retail experimentation, but maybe I’m wrong.
I find this hard to believe; pumas and panthers running wild in the UK? In fact, when I read the story in the Times of London, I thought they were having me on. But the same story shows up in the BBC, so now I don’t know what to think. Fossilized dinosaur footprints, now that I can get a handle on, but big cats on Dartmoor?

One Comment

  1. The bigs cats on Dartmoor theory has been around for years, there have been documentaries about it! Nobody ever seems to have come up with proof one way or the other yet though.

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