Words and Wizards

I’ll be damned. Bill Safire has noticed the terms blog and props in the same column (note: this is Safire’s On Language column in the magazine, not his editorial column). Speaking of newspapers, an outfit called ProQuest has digitized the entire New York Times archive, from 1851-1999. That’s four terabytes of info, folks.

There’s a new director general of Int’l Planned Parenthood, and he’s ready for a fight. Good thing, since the Administration has decided to rekindle the culture wars, to the detriment of women and children worldwide.

The new Harry Potter book (Goblet of Fire) is out in paperback today, at the low price of $8.99. 734 pages! Back in a week.


  1. ProQuest is a phenomenal resource, and it’s advanced by leaps and bounds over the past few years. As I understand it, there’s a similar effort underway to digitize the entire run of the London Times, but unfortunately they’ve started with the 1930s to attract the WWII crowd….not much use for me, alas, and so I have to pour through Palmer’s index (a gazillion volumes…it takes up a small WALL in our library) if I want to find information.
    But then, it’s when I go through Poole’s that I find things like Man Attacked By Weasels.

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