Raindrops keep fallin’

What a freaking morning! I had intended to get up and begin exhorting kd & skarlet, Faith, Cooties, Michele, and all the other myriad folks (212 participants, 2,207 sponsors for $54,258.06 at this writing) taking part in the 2nd annual Blogathon, but…
We have an automatic sprinkler system for the yard; it has four zones, sequentially watered every third day. Today, for reasons as yet undetermined, one of the zones got out of whack and started at 0530 as it should, but then didn’t shut off. The controller has no master On/Off switch; you can control the frequency and duration only by moving little slide levers up and down, and this didn’t work. Several calls to the supplier ensued, reaching only his answering machine. Finally, after three hours of futzing around with it, I got the water off; I shudder to think of the amount of water poured back into the island aquifer at unimaginable expense.

The zone which wouldn’t shut off is directly outside the family room; outside the room is a bank of four louvered doors, behind which are such things as boxes of plumbing and electrical supplies, the space where a big chest freezer used to be, etc. A shed, in other words. Anyway, the brick deck below the now extremely well-watered orchids and in front of said doors was soaking wet. The dog enjoys being outside while I am, so she was prowling around this very wet deck, when suddenly she began charging one of the doors. Since she weighs about forty pounds, the door gave, and several louvers broke out. We have had an occasional rat find its way into this shed (hey, it’s the tropics; rats are not unusual), so I assumed that there was another of these unwanted visitors hiding in there. Wrong. After much yapping, yelping, growling, barking, and general hubbub, what should appear in a flash but a large orange cat, taking off over the gate as though the hounds of hell were after it (there, Tigger, wasn’t that a nice compliment?). Fortunately, the cat got away, and the dog was frustrated. She was also extraordinarily muddy. Can life hold more?


  1. I had a time zone advantage. I went to bed at midnight my time, which was 0300 on the West Coast, so kd, skarlet, batty and Faith were just hitting prime-time loopiness.

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