New link

For all you music fans who are looking for song lyrics or songs by an artist, check out the International Lyrics Playground button over there on the right, above the Hawai’i Stories one. Some friends and I worked pretty hard for a few months on that; it now has songs in the thousands, along with links to other sites for widely popular artists.


  1. AHH…. this is a great site…. don’t ya hate it though, when you find out you have been singing words to a song incorrectly for years?? ah well….. maybe i will look up all my favorites so it doesn’t happen again.. : )

  2. They found the words to a song that I have being looking for by Cole Porter: “Down In The Depths” sung by Lisa Stansfield, originally by Ethel Merman.
    I couldn’t even find the information on Cole Porter sites! I don’t know how they did it, but they did it, and quick too..
    Now all I have to do is find out what this term means: “pet paillated” gown, as mentioned in the song. Can’t find it in a dictionary….

  3. mondegreen? that’s too funny. i’ll have to remember that one. the other night we went to hear a band play. they covered a rather popular song and messed up the lyrics pretty badly. i’m thinkin, if you are gonna screw up the least do it in the privacy of your own shower, or car. not okay to have the whole audience singing along and then……oops!

  4. Gee, Thanks to you all for your kind words. A lot of people helped put that lyric site together, including Mister Meister.
    webmaster~International Lyrics Playground

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