Mother’s Day photo

The family on Mother’s Day (I took the picture). We went to a restaurant which had been open for 50 years, closed, then was purchased and re-opened about three years ago. Nice watery grounds and flowers; maybe I’ll put up some pictures of it, too.

click to enlarge


  1. Bunny, you are so perceptive! Absolutely right. Wait for photos of the grounds (the place has no website, so I’m building one for fun and practice).
    Ms. LabRat, from right, Sis, #2 niece, B-in-Law, and #1 niece. And her eyesight is pretty much fine after the surgery and a new pair of glasses.

  2. Actually, I am not perceptive at all. I saw the site you made @ HawaiiStories. 🙂 Otherwise, I might not have recognized it – I was thinking it looked a bit like Indigo…

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