Evolution not always humanity’s friend

Oh boy. Some Prairie Rattlesnakes are losing their rattles, and there’s some thought it’s evolutionary. “Rattle and get killed” seems to be the lesson being learned by the critters. Isn’t that delightful? Hearing this story on All Things Considered this afternoon caused me to think up a new curse: “On the trail that is your …

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Partisan or idiotic?

If you watched the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington commemoration ceremonies today you might have asked yourself “Self, where are the Republicans? I see a current Democratic President, two former Democratic Presidents, but no former Republican Presidents. Why is that?” Well, in the case of the Bushes, both pleaded ill health; W just …

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Sucked right in

From Slackhalla.org, a test of one’s values purporting to determine where your beliefs put you on a political scale. Political Values Radicalism 96.75 Socialism 62.5 Tenderness 59.375 “These scores indicate that you are a progressive; this is the political profile one might associate with an animal rights activist. It appears that you are skeptical towards …

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