Friday foolishness

We’ve heard the phrase “who gets it when you go” when death comes up in conversations, right? Well, what about the data on your hard drive? There’s no case law yet, but there’s gonna be; count on it.
One of the issues discussed in the article mentioned above is that of passwords; suppose the inheritor can’t get into the machine? Well, sometimes they’re written onto hard drives. This poses problems, of course, but for the poor schmuck who’s trying to figure out what Uncle Fred left on his machine it may solve the difficulty. Technology giveth and technology taketh away.
Here’s a fun list: Honolulu Magazine’s 50 Greatest Hawai’i Albums. Note that the magazine has a junk web policy of not letting you read the story online, but the second link is to MountainApple, which will sell you those records/cds which remain in print. The criteria for selection was broad: any music from Hawai’i, whether the artist was born here or not.


  1. I am and have always been paranoid about personal data stored on my hard drive. I run Window Washer several times while I browse. I don’t mind if a site doesn’t remember me because I no longer have cookies in the cache, it could be set to keep cookies for certain sites, I just prefer not to. Must suck to be Joe Scmuck who can’t crack the password code though.

  2. Good link for the Hawai’i albums. Since the kindergartener (now soon to be 1st grader) wants an aloha party, I’ll have to get more music.
    Ya got any faves? I need to get a few more…

  3. I didn’t think I would have many but then they threw in Martin Denny and Arthur Lyman. As a result, I have 10 of those albums. 🙂

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