Internet news

This news is not good for the multiple weblog owner. Movable Type has announced ver. 3.0, which is good, but it’s also announced a new pricing structure. As I read it, one blogger keeping up to three blogs can get a license for the special introductory price of $69.95; any more and the price goes up considerably. I ain’t averse to paying for tools, but the price structure seems a little odd. I think I’ll wait for this to shake out before I panic.
As you might expect, the user community has gone ballistic; check out the number of trackbacks attached to that post. I suggest you go there to read what Mena Trott has to say; don’t get the news from third parties.
Update: Third parties like me. Upon further review, a single user can run three blogs free. If you want to run more than that, you have to pay at least that $69.95 price.
In less startling news, here’s a review of Google’s new Gmail service; it sounds a lot less threatening than the EFF and other privacy advocates (on whose side I usually can be found) first thought.
Finally, did anyone else have trouble with Blogrolling today? I couldn’t get it to load for most of the day.


  1. I have noticed a slow down with Blogrolling since yesterday. I read that there was some security issue, but it had been fixed yesterday. Hopefully the sluggishness isn’t around to stay.

  2. Well, I have two blogs to separate content – fluff on one and current events on the other. It helps because I have some friends who actively avoid reading anything about news, but are interested in the random links I find.
    Blogrolling wrote on their blog that their server went down and they decided to move to new architecture during the downtime. They were planning on going down sometime next week, which wont happen b/c of yesterday’s glitches. In addition to not having my blogroll, my pages loaded weird yesterday…they couldn’t get past the non-existent blogroll.
    In other news, I’m contemplating resurrecting the zlist. I’m sick of blog search engines and popularity indices. I’m interested in finding interesting content that the rest of the blogosphere mighta missed. And yes, I do have too much time on my hands.

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