What would Fred & Barney say?

If the Italian evolution brouhaha wasn’t enough for you, behold the Dinosaur theme park.

At Dinosaur Adventure Land, visitors can make their own Grand Canyon replica with sand and read a sign deriding textbooks for teaching that the Colorado River formed the canyon over millions of years: “This is clearly not possible. The top of the Grand Canyon is 4,000 feet higher than where the river enters the canyon! Rivers do not flow up hill!”

Mind you, the guy who started this park is a former public school science teacher.


  1. It was an IMAX film that told me the Grand Canyon was created by the Colorado. I’m so confused! If the big hole in the ground wasn’t made by a river, what did make it??

  2. Eek. Baby Boy is all about the dinosaur. He would flip at a place like this…. but, my brain would explode. And, he’s the first to tell you that they lived “millions and millions of years ago…” I am truly frightened.

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