1. Hey! What happened to the Chinese horse? I liked the Chinese horse!
    I find the typeface a little small, the links unnoticeable, the color scheme bland, and I’m getting a weird grey box over part of the text that goes away if I scroll the page around (I’m using IE6). Sorry. I mean this in a loving and supportive way.

  2. Ok, other than the horse, Christina’s suggestions have been taken and hopefully resolved.
    Natasha the iBook? 😉 Nice to know about the Safari functionality!

  3. It all reads nicely from here, though I also get what Christina calls the weird gray box. It’s more like random areas of text that get blocked out by the gray. Scrolling up and down or highlighting can correct it. But I wonder what causes this. I occasionally see it on a few blogs and have always wondered what’s different to create that.
    Otherwise, font size and spacing is fine.

  4. OK, the problem is being caused by the “background” element in your #content style block. I can’t find a way to fix it with just the stylesheet; but I can make it go away with minimal messing around in the blog template body. Here’s what to do:
    1. Remove the background element from #content in your CSS
    2. Add this block to your styles:
    .contenttable {
    background: #DCDCDC;
    3. In your blog template, directly below the line <div id=”content”> and above the line <div class=”blog”>, add this line:
    <TABLE CLASS=”contenttable” BORDER=”0″><TR><TD>
    4. Between the closing </div> tags for the content and blog divs, and this line:
    </TD></TR></TABLE> <!– contenttable –>
    5. Wave a rubber chicken over your keyboard and republish your blog.
    If you do not have a rubber chicken handy, creative swearing seems to achieve the same effect.
    (Why yes, I am procrastinating.)

  5. I *love* orange, blue and gray together color-wise. The type is easy to read and the links seem to lay out just fine now!
    *Very* clean looking. Me likee!

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