Super Sunday

Well, that was a surprise. I certainly didn’t expect the total points to get to 61. We were all caught a little off-guard when the game suddenly started to get really exciting there; most of us had concluded that the second half would be more like the first 27 minutes of the first half.
The best stat I heard all day came from NPR’s Weekend Edition Sunday. Commenting on Beyonc?’s selection to sing the national anthem, Liane Hansen said: “In previous games where singers with one name sang the anthem, the AFC won.” (For the record, I think she said Jewel sang it in 1998 and Cher in 1999).


  1. I was surprised to see the game pick up, too–for some reason the first half felt interminable. Superbowls seem to usually be a snoozefest, but this one kept me interested–no mean feat when you consider I couldn’t care less about either team. 🙂 (Missed the now-notorious halftime, though–just rolling my eyes at that one.)

  2. I missed the halftime since all of us wanted to see the MoveOn ad on CNN (it aired twice).
    Food was pretty normal; hot dogs and buns from Costco (huge dogs!), olives and baby peppers, plus my chips and dip. I ended up with Al’s onion dip since we’d never tried an onion dip from scratch before. I need more occasions to make dips, with all those wonderful recipes!

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