Not-so-idle thoughts

Josh Marshall of Talking Points Memo has an article in the current New Yorker, and mirabile dictu, it’s online. It’s an essay about American de facto imperialism as practiced during the Cold War and what’s happened since then. It also distills Perle and Frum’s new book (An End to Evil) into a few paragraphs, which is useful. (Those of you who remember the post-Watergate era may remember the phrase “Don’t buy books from crooks,” which is how I feel about Perle and Frum).

Here’s another critique of the Dean interview conducted by Diane Sawyer: the most startling thing in here may be that 90 of 96 questions had to do with the personalities of each Dean. What the hell kind of journalism is that? Where are the policy questions? (That’s from the LA Times; use “bselig” for username and password).

The “did Bush desert?” question has resurfaced. Is it true? Well, technically no; for all intents and purposes, yes.

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