Judge not, lest ye…

The next time someone tells you that the Democrats are being obstructionist about Bush’s judicial appointments, point them toward this article.

The Pickering episode is the latest chapter in a long-running war between Republicans and Democrats over judicial nominations. During the 1990’s, a Republican-controlled Senate rejected by vote or procedure 114 of President Bill Clinton’s nominees to the bench.

By contrast, the Democrats have approved (reluctantly, in some cases) roughly 170 of Mr. Bush’s appointments and blocked 6. From Campaign Desk.


  1. But they’re blocking candidates! This is heinous and worthy of crimes against the state! Obstructionists! Obstructionists! J’accuse!

  2. Both parties are guilty of politicizing the Federal Bench to an extreme degree. The polarized climate is just reflective of the larger split in the electorate.
    I certainly am no Pickering expert, nor do I carry water for any side in this fight. From what I have read, however, Pickering has been wrongly identified as a racist.
    From the Atlanta Constitution:

    Pickering’s nomination had been held up for years by Senate Democrats, who accused him of being racially insensitive and hostile to civil rights. But many of the attacks appeared to ignore evidence to the contrary. … The most explosive charge against Pickering was that he went too far to slash the prison sentence of Daniel Swan, a white man who had burned a cross outside an interracial couple’s home in rural Mississippi. But an Atlanta Journal-Constitution review last year of the 1994 case showed Pickering apparently acted out of a concern for fairness. Two of Swan’s co-defendants, including the purported ringleader, had received far lighter sentences than Swan, and Pickering saw that as unjust.

  3. When the Republicans do it, they’re exercising one of the many checks and balances set up in this fine government of ours to keep any one branch–in this case, executive–from having too much power. What glorious patriots!
    When Democrats do it, they’re obstructionist, partisan bastards who are trying to hamstring the Justice system out of some kind of hateful, petty spite against the Bush administration. Unamerican filth!
    It’s all about spin, I think. :/

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