
This is the RF Modulator I picked up to connect the new DVD player to the old Magnavox TV. You’ll have to connect the cable company’s input cable to ANT-IN and a new separate cable to TV-OUT on the modulator. If you purchase one of these, be sure you get a short coaxial cable to connect it to the television, as it doesn’t come with one. It gives you a good picture; the literature seems to suggest that a better picture may be gotten by using an S-Video cable to go from the DVD player to the modulator rather than the standard red, yellow, & white RCA plugs. I can’t compare, but the standard looks ok to me, at least on a 13″ screen.


  1. I bought a new DVD player for the den today and I too had to run to the Radio Shack for a RF Modulator after much scratching of the head trying to figure the daisy chain of cable box, dvd player, vhs player, and television (also an older tv). I wound up taking the vhs player out of the chain and the RF Modulator worked like a charm.
    Last Christmas I got my first DVD player and I hooked it up to the bedroom tv. Actually my son-in-law hooked it up because the connections were a complete mystery to me!
    I have had vhs players for years, but I never had any desire to buy movies until I got the DVD player and now I usually buy a couple of movies a month, but only those which I really like. Sleepless in Seattle is one of them primarily for the background music (although I am a sucker for Meg Ryan). Legends Of The Fall is another of my favorite movies. I still need to add Catch-22 and Dr. Strangelove.
    Have a Happy New Year–all of my family will descend on me on Jan 3 and I will get to see the grandkids again–I’m really looking forward!

  2. Ms. Toxic, the family room tv is the main one we watch; the 13″ one is the kitchen tube. It’s big enough for its auxiliary purpose most of the time, although I agree for movie purposes it would be nice to have a bigger one. If Mom & I can both agree on a movie (or whatever) we’ll watch in the family room.
    Besides, once I get those new bifocals I’m sure I’ll be just fine. 🙂

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