Who moved my page?

This is kinda nifty. My mouse (the computer one) died over the weekend. Copying a paragraph took about three minutes rather than two seconds, so I got ticked off and went out to get a new one. I came home with some off-label brand which has two buttons and a scroll wheel. After a morning of using this thingie, I’m asking myself how I ever got along without this wheel. Moving up and down a page is so much easier when it’s just pushing/pulling a wheel, rather than finding the scroll bar on the screen. Not bad for $10. Oh, and it copies and pastes easily, too.


  1. Welcome to the 21st C! Meanwhile, I wondered how I ever got along without my cordless scroll wheel mouse that can even be used in the air. It’s helped me recover from RSI, which is the whole reason I got it.

  2. Next thing you know you’ll be wanting optical and cordless, like me (I have optical but I’m kinda salivating for cordless; I’ve had a scroll wheel both at home and at work for at least a year).

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