O Tannenbaum

I went out and picked up our Christmas tree today. For at least 15 years we have been buying one from Habilitat, a local addiction-treatment program. (Click on the What’s New button to see the Christmas selection; click on Products to see music and books). It seems very incongruous to pick up a Christmas tree in early December from a bunch of guys wearing t-shirts, all the while wearing one myself, but there you are. I should point out that this tree is the “family” tree, the one with all the old stuff on it. I wrote about this distinction in more detail here.
We used to string lights outside along the roof-frame, but we’ve gotten lazy (and besides, my brother-in-law’s whacking great boat fills up half the driveway, so it would block the view of the lights anyway). Now we put a mailbox cover on the box and we place the tree in a room partially visible to the joggers on the street through the mini-blinds. It ain’t quite the same as the lights Patti wrote about here, but…
Who else decorates their house?


  1. Sometime this week, I’ll go find my annual Charlie Brown Tree, and will decorate it all spiffy so that it feels loved. Oh, and I’m taping all my Christmas cards to a door in my living room. And I have a few lovely holiday candles.
    And, of course, my yearly supermarket nativity: one Our Lady of Guadalupe candle, and one St. Joseph holding the young Jesus candle. Heh. Decorative and yet utilitarian. My mother cringes, I have to say.

  2. We don’t do too much. Only a wreath outside on the porch. Oh, and a tree and lots of stuff inside. But not nearly as much as we used to. Life just gets too busy.

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