Forget yesterday, forget yesterday

Why do thin guys always seem to win eating contests?
Got WordStar? Multi-Mate? Lotus 1-2-3? Somebody had better keep copies of those programs, or heaven knows how much data will become irretrievable.

Kahle’s organization is seeking exemptions from DMCA provisions that prohibit the archiving of software titles. If the Copyright Office says no, Kahle fears millions of programs eventually will be lost forever.

A new survey concludes Americans supported Bush’s tax cuts out of “unenlightened self-interest.” More bluntly, the survey found its respondents were clueless.

Middle- and lower-income Americans supported tax cuts they suspected went largely to the rich because they thought they, too, would benefit, if only by a small amount, and because they failed to connect the tax cuts to rising inequality, their future tax burden, or the availability of government services.

One devoutly hopes they’ll wake up by November 2004.

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