1. Think of it. No more Schwarzenegger films. Perhaps the lesser of two evils? His imprint on the financial well being of California may be altogether brief in comparison to the damage to our collective unconscious by the continuation of his film career. Be thankful that the found fathers were thoughtful enough to make sure this Austrian born bruiser can never run for President.

  2. This is so incredibly embarrassing.
    At least you won’t have to watch him on local news constantly.
    Oh well, since I couldn’t vote I’m going to tell everyone that I’m therefore not responcible for this in any way.

  3. “Be thankful that the found fathers were thoughtful enough to make sure this Austrian born bruiser can never run for President.”
    as of right now, that’s true. but i wouldn’t want to bet on it NOT changing.
    and i’ve always enjoyed his films ..er.. movies. light fluff you don’t have to think about.

  4. He’s married into the Kennedy clan. It can be changed.
    Maybe he will help blend the two parties together..in whatever way he can. I wish him luck. I hope he surrounds himself with knowledgeable people to run Callyfornyia……

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