Friday foofaraw

Paul Krugman has a new book out; one of his stops on the promotional tour was Buzzflash. It’s a good interview, as is the one he did Wednesday, 9/10 on Fresh Air.
Mr. Krugman also has a column today expressing skepticism about the ?ber-patriotism card the Administration insists on playing to defeat its opponents, even when the issues have nothing to do with 9/11.
Here’s some earthshattering news; Microsoft announces there’s a security hole in Office. Yeah, yeah, so what else is new? This one looks potentially nasty, though; it could allow a takeover of the box. It affects Access, Excel, PowerPoint, and Word in Microsoft Office 97, 2000, and XP/2002 as well as Word 98, Project 2000 and 2002, Publisher 2002, Visio 2000 and 2002, Works Suite 2001, 2002, and 2003, plus several Microsoft Business Solutions products that also include VBA, Microsoft said. Go here to get the patch.
Update: Krugman has a 10-page article in this weekend’s NYT Magazine which is well worth reading. It’s a fiscal/monetary “how’d we get here from there” synopsis of the tax-cut debate.