You’re ignoring WHAT?

…Wielding its power as one of the largest purchasers of medications in the United States, the V.A. has made it possible for millions of veterans to pay just $7 for up to a 30-day prescription. Thousands are signing up for the program every month.
Yet for all its apparent success, lawmakers have disregarded the V.A. model — and others like it that use the government’s immense power to negotiate lower prices — as they try to give older Americans relief from rising drug costs while reshaping how the elderly get medical services.
In 2000, the National Academy of Sciences found that the V.A.’s methods had achieved nearly $100 million in savings over the previous two years.
But Congress decided not to adopt the V.A.’s approach; in fact, it was not seriously considered.

Does this make any sense? Every time I’ve ever priced out anything, I’ve looked at comparables. What could be more comparable to a prescription drug benefit within Medicare than the Veterans Administration system?
I think Congress is loony.


  1. I am covered by prescription drug plans from both my employer and that of my wifes.
    Is there any reason why I should investigate the VA drug plan?

  2. That’s like arguing that your benefits manager at your firm shouldn’t bother pricing out health plans since he/she is covered by one already. The responsibility is for all the people in the firm.

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