I’ve seen those!

Here’s an example of “if it bleeds, it leads:” Eli Lilly and Amylin issued a joint press release today about positive results they’d achieved for diabetes with a new drug called exenatide. For Reuters, the important thing was that exenatide is derived from the saliva of that ugly critter known as a Gila Monster.
Blogging from Kabul sounds like an experience I could do without. Maybe 25 years ago. Let’s see, that would be 1978; two years before the Soviets invaded. Yup, about then.


  1. Kudos to Eli Lilly and Amylin. Hope they know what they’re talking about. I work for a competing drug company, but am still for their success.

  2. that sounds like good news to this diabetic. i’m a type 2 and metformin isn’t lowering my blood glucose levels like it should.
    hopefully this will keep more type 2s from having to move to insulin.

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