We’re in, ergo we’re right

A former Pentagon staffer has written an op-ed for the Houston Chronicle which seems to confirm what many have thought about the PNAC and AEI alums in the Pentagon and at State. She observed three “themes:”

  1. Functional isolation of the military professionals
  2. Cross-agency cliques
  3. Groupthink

Regarding the latter, she says:

The result of groupthink has been extensively studied in the history of American foreign policy, and it will have a prominent role when the history of the Bush administration is written. Groupthink, in this most recent case leading to invasion and occupation of Iraq, will be found, I believe, to have caused a subversion of constitutional limits on executive power and a co-optation through deceit of a large segment of the Congress.

It’s quite an indictment; go read. One hopes the country survives this sort of arrogance.

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