Even the Moon is a Lie!

Remember that $15B for AIDS Bush announced in the State of the Union? Well, here come the strings. According to a leaked State Department memo,

The President is considering a requirement that all foreign NGOs certify, as a condition of receiving US funds, that they neither perform nor promote abortion as a method of family planning.

If you live or have ever lived near a military base, this may surprise you. Communities which have military bases often get Federal aid to offset the lack of property taxpayers; that’s to help pay for the schools the military kids attend. That funding is being reduced, even as the parents of those kids are going overseas.

“Who could imagine that in a wartime atmosphere we would consider leaving the children of the military behind?”

The Moon Hoax (link found at Jon’s place). This is not one of those “the landing was a conspiracy” sites; nope, this one proposes that the entire existence of the Moon is a hoax perpetrated on humanity by innumerable scientists, poets and romantics. Good fun. (Note: on further reading of the main site, I’m still reasonably sure the whole thing is satire, but you be the judge. The tipoff might be this line, found on the main page: “We therefore present to you with our series of essays dedicated to the manufacturing of truth through the discarding of evidence.”)


  1. Re: The Moon Hoax:
    I think alot of people have alot of time on their hands… Great Satire though..
    I know the moon exists, but why its called the Man on the Moon instead of the Woman on the Moon is worthy of an article in Ms Magazine…
    I have alot of time on my hands,too!
    But please don’t give me responsibilty for anything. I retired from that section of life…

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