

To: the reasonably well-dressed twenty-something with the $30 backpack who accosted me today asking for “a few dollars”
A. Just because I’m reaching into my wallet to get cash out to make a purchase doesn’t mean I intended to offer it to you.
B. Appearances count, part 1. With cigarettes at $5 a pack, you shouldn’t be smoking when begging. It causes the beggee to doubt whether you are really destitute.
C. Appearances count, part 2. Read this story to learn the finer points of dressing while panhandling.
D. Don’t stand on a sidewalk begging 30 yards from a dry cleaning establishment with a Help Wanted sign in the window. It causes the beggee to immediately think of the phrase “get a job.”


  1. Not that I wouldn’t be cynical myself, but is it at all possible that this wasn’t a panhandler, but someone who, for whatever reason, was in a jam and couldn’t get their ATM card to work or something?

  2. Except that I’ve had him it on me before a few times. He’s a punk. The guy who owns the liquor store in front of which the kid hangs out has told him about jobs sweeping the parking lot in the shopping center and been ignored. He’s a punk.

  3. until I read your comment I somehow was thinking this was a young female. Either way, good for you for not giving in. I hope that you will either say these things to his face the next time (because there will likely BE a next time) or print it out and hand it to him.
    GET A JOB!! Yup, I like it.

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