UNFPA, medicine and military

Hey! You can now donate online to the UN Population Fund (see below). The full text of the column I referenced there can now be found here. Through 1/27 the total donated is $406,755.71.
Get up outta that chair! Extended computer use may make you susceptible to deep vein thrombosis! Don’t ski, either! Skin cancer may result! On the other hand, eat chips! The chemical in fried foods thought to be carcinogenic turns out not to be so! Where’s the Doritos?
There’s an interesting interview with a retired Lt. Col. Ralph Peters in American Heritage this month. I’ve seen it cited several places around the web. Normally I’m mildly skeptical about retired Lieutenant Colonels, because in 20 years if you’re good you should get up to full bird, but in this case he started out as a grunt and got a battlefield commission, so his bona fides seem sound. He has some interesting thoughts about American military power, and he doesn’t seem to be coming down on either the hawk or dove side of the current debate, which is refreshing.


  1. Aha! I knew it! Well, I didn’t really halt my consumption of the fried food group so I feel wonderfully validated. 🙂

  2. Hi,
    Thanks for the info on the UN Population Fund.
    Figures the US is trying to implement the rhythm method in foreign countries. I think we are going backwards in so many aspects of government. It really is becoming almost a pre-feminist era….

  3. Well, toxic, you read the NYT editorial page; that’s what Maureen Dowd has been saying for months. Ellen Goodman and Molly Ivins have been saying it too. (Why the hell is it only women journalists squawking about this?)

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