
There’s something to be said for raising a hue and cry in the Senate: Bush rescinded his plan allowing emergency services for Medicaid patients to be curtailed. More of the same: Senator Grassley (R-IA) is attempting to curb the TIA through legislative amendment.
$3 million to investigate the September 11 attacks? How much did Ken Starr spend on Whitewater and the rest? About $55 million? Hmm. From that AP story: “By comparison, a federal commission created in 1996 got two years and $5 million to study legalized gambling.” Interesting priorities the Bushies have.
Most federal agencies require public comment on impending regulation before it’s implemented. Typically those comments had to be submitted via letter or by attending public hearings, but soon you’ll be able to do so online. You can do so at Participating agencies include HHS, FCC, EPA, USDA, Labor, Transportation, GSA, and the National Archives. Hopefully there will be more to come.


  1. Good points, and although I’m a GWB supporter, I’ve still got plenty of concerns beyond the amount of money spent on investigating the 9/11 attacks. No administration is above examination by it’s constituents.

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