
Number of records thumbed, read, transcribed onto paper and then into Excel worksheet: 345
Number left out due to a) embarrassment at ownership or b) inability to properly classify (compilations from Warner/Reprise I got hold of somehow?): 15
Knuckles worn to bone from writing/typing: 10
Estimated date of conversion to music pages on website: January 2004 (if I see any more of this stuff before then, I may throw up).


  1. Ha. See, this is why you don’t see ME typing lists of my bazillion CDs or my megazillion books. Well. Maybe if I got snowed in for a week or something and had NOTHING else to do. But probably not. 😉

  2. Hey, when you work in accounting departments for 13 years, inventory grows to be important. The shocking thing I learned was that several albums disappeared over the moves I made. Sgt. Peppers? Missing. Magical Mystery Tour? Missing. CSN? Missing. Shriek!

  3. Feh. I WORK for an accounting firm right now. Have done for the past 5-ish years. I don’t think I’m going to feel compelled toward this obsessive cataloguing anytime soon. 😛

  4. Hey now. I work in the ultimate job! Bean counter for collections of various and sundry objects. Actually, I am not a bean counter but I do have to keep track of each object. I suppose I was destined for the job since I started my database of records in the 1980s on a spreadsheet and that was updated to filemaker pro and now is also in access. I hesitate to say just how many records, cds and tapes I had before I joined forces with my sweetie, but I think it was in the 2000 range. His was about 1500 (and he kept his records in access). We weeded out about 150 cds that we had doubles of. I started a book and comic database and a video database but never got far on them. OK, I am a little too obsessed…

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