Git your tickets here!

David Broder looks at mandates emanating from the Administration and concludes that big government is back. Read the section about driver’s licenses, including Ridge’s threat to withhold highway funds if states don’t comply with what the Feds want. Part of that big government, Poindexter’s TIA system, is attuned to symbolism: the all-powerful eye has been removed from its website.
All you concert-goers, got any ticket stubs lying around as mementos? Scan ’em and go here to post them along with the story behind them.
Speaking of ticket stubs, I now have one from a theater in which I just saw The Two Towers. I could pick a zillion holes in it, but then I’ve read the books about twenty times, so I think I was destined to be disappointed with the liberties Jackson took with the story line. Having said that, I thought it was a pretty good movie; the battle scenes were excellent, the love story which was so derided by the purists seemed pretty unobtrusive, and Smeagol/Gollum was remarkable.


  1. hmph. i think if it was a perfect vision of the books people will STILL find stuff to bitch about.
    that said, i’ve never read the books. i tried the first one a couple times but just couldn’t hack it. i think now that i’ve seen them, it will be easier to read. Eli’s copies are in storage. grrr.

  2. Gee, I have an old Doors ticket stub somewhere in this house…I tend to keep things a lonnnngggg time!
    (no I do not have a laundry ticket from a dry cleaned blue Gap dress…-but that would tell a great story wouldn’t it?)

  3. i rather liked the eye logo, it was so very honest and didn’t pretend to represent anything but a very creepy uber-agency with nearly unlimited power.
    but you know, can’t have people getting the right impression now can we?

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