Gifts, Ads, and Wishes

Remember the broken mailbox post? Well, I got a new post for Christmas, as I mentioned, and we put it up (well, brother-in-law got up to his elbows in Quikrete and put it up) on Sunday, so yesterday would have been the first test of its sturdiness. However, our mailman brought the mail to the door again. Why? Well, because two groovy Boston chicks (their phrase, not mine, dammit!) sent me a package with handwritten messages all over it saying “Do not Bend or Squash!” What was this totally unexpected package, you ask? It was a box of Turtles! For some reason, I’ve been unable to find them on this island, and when Shelley mentioned them in her blog the other day, I was reminded of them. What a wonderful surprise gift! Thank you, ladies!
Ads I wanted to see but didn’t this Christmas season: the Staples robot that’s in love with the scanner; the Folgers college kid secretly coming home for Christmas. Ads I did see and enjoyed: the Jack in the Box one where Jack mangles Spanish so badly his mouth is drawn all over his face, and another Jack in the Box ad, this one the room service leftovers-foraging one. I didn’t see a single Budweiser ad with Clydesdales this year; suppose A-B is retiring the critters?
And finally, to all the folks over there on the link list, and all the others whose writings I’ve enjoyed over the past year, let me leave you with a quote from Bilbo Baggins on the occasion of his eleventy-first birthday:
I don’t know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.”
Sounds good to me. Happy New Year, everyone!


  1. I can’t believe you mentioned the Folger’s AD!!!
    I said the same thing-I really missed it. The little girl comes down the stairs and says “Peter” who secretly comes home bearing gifts!!! I am sure the little girl is at least 30 by now. And Peter is collecting Medicare..
    anyway, enjoy the turtles!!
    Happy New Year..
    Health & Happiness..
    Peace on Earth.. (please, please, Peace on Earth)
    Here’s looking forward to great things in 2003 for you!!

  2. Hauoli Makahiki Hou, Steve! I loved that Jack in the Box ad with Jack trying to say chipotle. And the poor woman telling him to “just go.” I wish we had JitB here, ’cause my parents are always laughing about those ads. sigh. And who could not smile at the “weeping. weeping” robot? Goofy as it is, I missed that Hallmark ad where the father walks out in the snow on Christmas Eve to the special lookout where he and his daughter would always go to look at the stars, then opens the card from her. It’s so sad but not at the same time. Anyway.

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