Living with War

You can listen to Neil Young’s new album here, if his website’s clogged. I haven’t time to listen straight through right now, but I’ll have a review later.

Link via Atrios

Update: It’s reminiscent of vintage (1970s) Young (I’ve discovered I don’t know much about his 1980s – 1990s output, so I can’t compare it to those). The drums and bass put down a really solid beat, and Young plays mostly rhythm guitar. It should be listened to straight through; it’s meant to be a suite. There’s effective use of a trumpet (a trumpet on a Neil Young album?) in various spots, and the sampling of various Presidential pronouncements about Osama bin Laden is startling at first, but entirely fitting. I like it a lot.

It’s not yet available on CD, but that should change next week. More here from the NYT.

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