Ports are so last week

In an otherwise ho-hum article about Congress passing a budget which goes way past what it had said it would spend, there’s this charming item:

Lawmakers narrowly defeated a Democratic amendment to increase port-related spending by $1.2 billion. The measure, offered by Rep. Martin O. Sabo (D-Minn), failed 210 to 208.

Despite all the hooha about Dubai and the UAE managing some American ports, the Republican Congress can’t be bothered to upgrade our lousy security at those places. (Not a single Democrat voted against that amendment; 12 Republicans crossed the aisle, voting for it.)
One would hope that Rep. Sabo and some of his colleagues might point out this anomaly to all those Americans who were outraged about foreigners handling port operations.


  1. Isn’t it something the knat-like attention span that we all suffer from nowadays? And the politicians know it and take advantage of it.
    Time keeps marching on and we can always depend on a new “Crisis of the Week” to grab our attention. Think about Cheney shooting that guy. It was only a few weeks ago and seems like ages.

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