Candidates lie, Senators lie

I heard Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) give the Republican weekly address today, and I was struck by one statement I know is a flat-out lie: that “the constantly-shifting regulatory environment recently forced a company to abandon seven years of work and $7 billion in investment.” Well, no, Senator. Royal Dutch Shell abandoned its drilling plans …

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Hey, MLB, what were you thinking?

What’s wrong with this group of people selected to discuss World Series games for the pre- and post-game shows? “Kevin Burkhardt Hosts Pregame & Postgame Coverage with Alex Rodriguez, Pete Rose, Raúl Ibañez and Frank Thomas.” Great. One guy who was banned for life for gambling on the game (Rose) and one guy who was …

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Hypochondriac’s delight

That’s the Internet, baby. I have some kind of odd soreness on the right side of my sternum. Plug “sore sternum” into a search box and Presto! I have costochondritis! What’s that? It’s an inflammation of the junctions where the upper ribs join the cartilage that holds them to the breastbone (sternum). Costochondritis causes localized …

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Who is Sidney Blumenthal

and why do the Republicans think he’s the key to Benghazi? Well, they really don’t. They do seem to think they can somehow hurt Secretary Clinton if they just intone “Sidney Blumenthal” enough times. I mean, seriously. The guy’s never been to Libya. He’s kind of a Clinton hanger-on whom Hillary likes but he knows …

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Benghazi, the exposé

No, not of Secretary Clinton’s misdeeds. Nope. Not at all. Kurt Eichenwald at Newsweek expresses what many Americans feel about this committee, I think: The historical significance of this moment can hardly be overstated, and it seems many Republicans, Democrats and members of the media don’t fully understand the magnitude of what is taking place. …

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